Weee new phoneline Internet protection?

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Weee new phoneline Internet protection?

Post by Merchant »

Hey all, i know what you are thinking why the hell do you still have dial-up well, i cant get DSL because i live in a community 13 miles out of town so :P.

neway, im getting a new phone line routed to my room so i dont tie up my parents' all the time. i do still have to use their Earthlink service *grrr* because i can get it free. Well, Earthlink has crappy protection and such- any advice? anything i can dnld, set up? i really want top of the line protection, firewall ect. i have Mcafee set up now, but they suck BAD!

whats some good stuff?

oo, and if i was going to get a new internet service, i would want a nice VERY fast, high speed. i googled it, but all the service pages are very one sided, you know- "oh, our product is the best", "no mine is" blah blah blah. from experiance whats the best you guys have ever used?
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Post by Gogeta70 »

Well, i haven't used dial up since i was like 11 years old, and then i used aol (i know, i know...) However, there's an alternate firewall for you in our downloads section called Sygate personal firewall, so just search for "sygate" and you'll find it.

I also suggest you just get either kapersky or avg antivirus, either will work really, though i like avg better.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by Merchant »

What about Norton?
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Post by Gogeta70 »

I've had several problems with norton, one time i had it installed on my computer here, and it simply stopped working. No fire wall, no anti virus, no nothing. And it refused to uninstall for quite a while.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by bad_brain »

hm,well,I use Norton 2005 Antivirus&Internet Security, it´s not THAT bad imo...at least I havn´t found anything better yet. I you decide to use it let me know because Norton is only ok when you disable some of the services.
annoying in Norton is the "I scan everything, no matter if I have it scanned 2 seconds before already"-behaviour, if you dl a file from the net for example it gets scanned (that´s ok), but when you now move the file from the desktop to the D:/ drive it gets scanned again...can be pretty annoying after a while. also the timespan until updates for new viruses are supplied is too long.
but well, I havn´t found anything better yet...Panda Antivirus/Internet Security (gets good rankings in software tests regularly) for example sucks completely because it´s a really bad ressource hog and it also causes a lot of errors loading sites. McAffee seems to be good, but as far as I know it has no self-protection mechanism so malware can disable the protection.
if you are an advanced user (or want to learn more about networking)I can recommend Tiny Personal Firewall, you have to do the configuration by yourself but it´s a very lightweight firewall.
but the best protection imo is to use a Linux box as gateway/proxy to the internet, TCP/IP is a part of the Linux kernel (in Windows it´s just an application) so you have much more options to setup a REALLY good firewall. there are a couple of live distros which are designed exactly for this purpose like monowall for example...

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Post by DNR »

There are some free firewalls, agnitum, Zonelabs, blah.

You want to build a basic sysadmin kit, a firewall, antivirii, spyware scanner.
The advanced kit you will later build will be a packet sniffer, vulnerability scanners, and a db of weblinks to the latest sploit or virii warning, news.

Maybe my link could get you started:

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