Windows 98/9x/Se/XP
copy & paste any useful/useless *.exe file to C:\\
(or to a path easy to remember).
open Notepad :
code :
Code: Select all
#!C:/Perl #or whatever path to Perl PATH
my $scream="myexe.exe"; #give 'myexe' the name of your Cut&Patesd exe
open EEEK,"<$scream";
Click on it and step two feet away from your computer.
Make it worse:
Code: Select all
#C:/perl #or whateer shebang line
use IO::File;
$fh = new IO::File;
if ($fh->open("< $scream")) {
Use : a good excuse to avoid a boring meeting like "Hey, my computer ! I have to fix this, do you hear THAT??!".
Payroll : aspirin.
Tomorrow : how to go barbarious and get your boss offer you at least a month on relaxation holliday.