Let's see how *messed* up my day is today.

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Let's see how *messed* up my day is today.

Post by Gogeta70 »

Orite people, as some of you know i've been given the job to build a computer for this person. Now, today, i've spent ALL F*CKIN DAY working on it. The reason for that is the simple fact that my deadline for getting this in is tomorrow. By the way, right now, tomorrow happens in exactly.... 1 hour and 10 minutes. Now, it seems that every god given force has kept me from getting this computer finished. For the first 2 weeks, my hard drive was not being detected in bios. I switched the hard drive out with my hard drive in my old computer. Worked orite, hard drive was detected. So, i start up the windows installer cd and BOOM, the installation freezes at a "Please Wait..." screen for exactly 4 hours (i went and played a game). So i put the hard drive in another computer and install windows, and put the hard drive back in the comp i'm building. 4 letters: BSOD. (f*ckin' microsoft...). So i go ahead and try reinstalling windows again (in other computer) except this time, i only let it put on the required files. Still a damn BSOD. Now my parents have come up with this wonderful idea; why don't i give my computer to this guy until i can finish his?
my response: "fuck no."
parents: "well, then what are we gonna do about this?"
me: "*points to piece of junk comp in corner* give 'em that one."
parents: "AJ, come on now, you know you could've had this computer done a long time ago. So it's only fair of you to give up your computer until you finish this one."
me: "No. I've worked my ass off on this thing. They can wait as fuckin' long as it takes. Orite? Good."
parents: *leave, shaking head*

So i'm in a bit of a pissy mood now, you know. Anyways, any suggestions about what i should do about this?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by testertwister »

sounds like the ide controller on the mobo.

run spinrite on the hard drive and memtest on theram to eliminate them first. Tell parents that you need your pc to test the parts on :D

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Post by Gogeta70 »

Hey, well, it's tomorrow now. I visited with the client today and told him that i'll need probably another week to get it to him. He agreed with it, so it's not a huge deal. Yeah, i'll go ahead and use spinrite on the hard drive, see what's up with it, though the hard drive had a working installation of windows on it before... Thanks for the help, twister.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by Stavros »

Twister's right. It sounds like a problem with the motherboard.

A few questions:

1) Did you build this computer for them or did they bring it two you to fix?

2) Is the motherboard a cheap-o or as I call "overclockers grade mobo"?

I'd have to say that if it was a cheap-o then I wouldn't expect much out of it and you could replace it for maybe $20.

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Post by Gogeta70 »

All the parts are new except for the hdd i'm using from my computer. And the motherboard was about 200 USD. It's made by ASUS. Knowing this, you can assume that i'm being hired to build a computer.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by Stavros »

Have you tried a different IDE (or SATA if it's newer tech) cable? I doubt it is, but for the sake of trying I'd try that.

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