Pre-Google Help..Phone Bugs?

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The Hacker Wolf
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Pre-Google Help..Phone Bugs?

Post by Necrix »

Anyone know anything about phone bugs?
What goes into one?
Thanx..I'll do some searching and report back.

P.s. phone bug as in phone tapping
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Post by CommonStray »

am/fm transmitter

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Bugger, stop bugging me!

Post by DNR »

Bugging is certainly a work of art.
Bugs can be personalized by the user, crafted with their own style and innovation. I got to assemble spy devices in one job I had, a camera in a soda can, tissue box spy cam, and even checked out the video sunglasses. Another job we used cameras to catch shoplifters, so I can appreciate video surveillance.

The video sunglasses need a lot of work, the pinhole in the center of the frame is too obvious, the strap around your neck attached to the frame is so 1980's and obvious too, you still need a bulky recorder strapped to your ass.

Indeed it is a transmitter, the old ones were am/fm. Now they can run in other frequencies besides am/fm - so they can avoid detection and even being picked up by a am/fm radio! Just think computerized, encrypted, radio frequency wifi device (if not hard wired to the next room or a recorder) You want a smart bug, that will shut down to avoid detection, to save power, and to filter your sounds.

Nowdays, if you can pick up sound, you might as well transmit video.

They require power to run, battery or wire into existing line. You try to find likely places to hide bugs based on its power needs, like inside the phone, hidden in electric applicances like radios, vcrs, clocks, etc.
The old way of detecting phone bugs was comparing the line voltage and trying to detect a 'drain' on it. Old buildings, new buildings, the quality of equipment are variables.

Your phone will likely be tapped at the switching station, so you cannot pick it up by detecting voltage drops or spikes, you cannot 'hear' them.
If you can 'hear' a bug, you need to replace that cheap $5 phone or its cord.

I imagine digital technology for voip and cellphones require a packet sniffing type bug to detect and assemble all those packets that make up your convo. Police or covert agencies will have to deal with the various 'privately owned' phone companies to gain access to their equipment. Installing a sniffer on their network with permission could put together all your converstations.

Pay as you go cell phones are pretty anonymous. Use cash, and change phones often, it has an ESN, and its sorta like the serial number on a hot gun..
I don't have a 'home' phone anymore.

Other bugging methods :
Just stand outside your apartment door and listen.

Prior to tactical entry a swat team can use a flexible hose - cam to peep under your door.

Parabolic microphones aimed from the outside. Open windows provide visual via telescope.

Trashing - reading your garabage.

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Post by DNR » ... E732FD0114

Shomer-tec has some nice tools for physical (in)security projects.

He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in Darkness, and Light dwells with him.

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