popups on XP+sp2/IE: your opinion?

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popups on XP+sp2/IE: your opinion?

Post by bad_brain »

hey folks... :wink:
well, I´m creating a site for a customer at the moment, and on one page the services of the company will be discribed. on this page I want to display text info with the option to display an images in a popup window.

here´s my question:
how user-friendly would you say is the use of Javascript on a website for the average user (SP2/IE)? I´m asking because I´ve used SP2 on my box only once (for 30 minutes before I decided that it sucks :lol:), so it´s hard for me to say.

thanks! :wink:

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Post by Gogeta70 »

I wouldn't do it. Many users browse with javascript turned on. Instead, do something like:

Code: Select all

... <a href="imgurl.ext" target="_BLANK">Click to view</a> ...
Unless you want certain dimensions on the window, but it's not really THAT important... I try and use only what's necessary to make a web page look good, and improvise when possible. Ultimately, it's up to you.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by FrankB »

1) reason not to do it :
Most MSIE users switched to Firefox now and Firefox has :
a strong pop-up annoyance policy set by default.
Assuming 50% of WWW-surfers do not know or are not interested in how
to toggle that feature On/Off or allow pop-ups by domain, well, you might
end up with pictures never seen.

What you could do is give an explicit reason why pop-ups must be allowed on that site, all that along with the <noscript> tag that many tend to forget nowadays.

2) Do it, because, it is quite cool to have an image displayed with its own title, size, width especially with 'directoryindex=no,resize=no,scrolling=no, etc..', when one can click on the popped up big view to close it.
That kind of webdesign simulates a more interactive and personal catalogue browsing : user can choose pics and it gives him the feeling of a more neat browsing.
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Post by bad_brain »

well gogeta, I thought about using target="_blank", but imo it looks a lot better when the pic is displayed in a window with a size that fits, because it simply is a part of the site design then, a new browser page would kinda "interrupt the flow", you surely know what I mean... :? is javascript disabled by default in sp2?

FrankB, do you mean the popup policy in Firefox 1.5? I´m using 1.0.x since the first beta-version, and the popup-blocker is disabled by default...(ummm,not 100% sure about this, now that I think about it...)

I mean, if the popup would be blocked and the user would be notified with the option to allow the popup it would be ok for me, but if the visitor would have to enable Javascript first (because of the default settings) it would be no option.
it´s pretty hard to decide, maybe I can use an extra table cell as the place for the pics....hm,have to setup a test design for the page to see how much space I could reserve for this...

until then: thanks! :)

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Post by FrankB »

bad_brain wrote:I mean, if the popup would be blocked and the user would be notified with the option to allow the popup
That is the case, a little extra (small) toolbar with an (X) icon that says 'pop-up' blocked, click here to allow..etc..' i think.

Don't forget : the <noscript> tag does wonderful things !

But remind, en dusers really often don't know how to enable/disable those things, really !

I mean, i don't underestimate them but mostly, they have a complete different professional background and don't have the *eye* we have on webpages/design.

HTH :-)


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I thought

Post by maboroshi »

I thought IE with SP2 doesn't block the pop up if you click on a link and it opens

I could be wrong though

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pop up ? n00b pop up blocker in IE works too well

Post by DNR »

hey brah,

n00bs find pop-up blocker here:


see bottom of box, place check mark in box to enable.

Click on SETTINGS to :
Allow sounds when pop-up blocked
Show NFO box when pop-up is blocked
These can be checked on/off
You can also allow pop-ups by entering specific sites here.
Blah. Not going to happen.

pop-ups are pretty much stealthly stopped by the IE setup. The user might even be presented with "warning! do you want to run active script" and simply click the "HELL No" button. :roll:

Perhaps a cute drop down menu to display the text summary, then a link to More text here....

Not much in to pretty looks, just KISS - keep it simple stupid.

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Post by LaBlueGirl »

<.02 cents>

This is a non-programmer's POV, but bear in mind I spend countless hours weekly surfing the 'net

I loathe pop-ups. I have them disabled. But still, I get an annoying dialogue box which tells me javascript is trying to open a new window and do I want to allow it. It should have a button that says "Hell f*cking no and quit asking".

While browsing, it takes more time to hit the "Back" button and wait for the page to reload than to "Click here for a larger view" and have it open in a new window (which I can easily X out of).

From a totally non-techie point of view, no popups and have it open in another window. But maybe a thumbnail so the people can see if they even want to view the image in the first place. (Or, if not a thumbnail, then a short description or something so they know what they are going to look at).

</.02 cents>
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Re: Ok

Post by LaBlueGirl »


Windows is user friendly (we all know this).

If memory serves me correctly, when someone starts getting popups, a little friendly box appears from Microsoft-land, and allows you to turn off popups with a wave of their magic wand.

Or something :)

So anyone (without even disabling it the "hard way", if there is such a thing on Windows) can turn those bad boys off.
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Post by bad_brain »

allright, I decided to use popups and display a hint either when mouse-over a link and/or on the site itself. I think it´s the best mix of user friendlyness and developer´s lazyness... :lol:

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