Introduction and basic rules

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Introduction and basic rules

Post by bad_brain »

Welcome to the forums on!

Well, maybe I should introduce myself:
I´m a 36 year old (yes,really..8) ) dude from germany which decided to make some changes in his life (especially making my OWN money with my OWN business) and so decided to study webmastering. But "doing stuff with computers" is not just a business for me, it´s abig part of my life and I see it as a great opportunity to share knowledge with other people.
Ahm,ok...enough blabla...:

What´s it all about? Well, there is no main topic, it´s about web development, general computing, coding, hacking, whatever....

Just some basic rules:
- NO requests for warez or serialz
- be fair to others with less knowledge than you, we ALL started as newbies, we ALL was once interested in stuff we now find "lame" (come on, admit it)

Respect the meanings of others!
Share knowledge and have fun....enjoy!
