My final year project is to hack a network of four computers(not connected to the internet) externally(via a switch/firewall) from my laptop.The problem is that i dont know how to begin,i have no background and dont know what the steps are to hack the network. The workstations in the network are either linux(fedora) or windows 2003. Plz if anyone can help me(websites,tutorials,software) i would be more than grateful
Again, I have no clue as to what you are doing nor how much you already know...
Are the computers wired or wireless?
You mentioned a firewall, do the networked compuetrs have one or no (if they aren't connected to the internet my guess is no).
Go to the Newbies section here, and look at the sticky "Glossary of Terms" (or something to that effect). It will help you out a *lot*.
If you don't know much about all this kind of stuff, your best bet is to kick it kiddie-style. Get some progs to do the work for you.
Hrm... usually you have a mentor for a final project... So ask him;) and also... This project would suck badly and would be reject because:
all because you don't use your knowledge... you simply use tool already coded...(If you want to program your own portscan and stuff like those, gr8... else ...)
Sorry... but IMO it's just another... How can I hack my school account...
Give a man a fish, you feed him for one day.
Learn a man to fish, you feed him for life.
yeaaa, my problem is he is saying its a final year project. You musta been out partying all four years huh?
Need more nfo on what exactly is mission accomplished? and what means can be used to obtain mission complete...
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in Darkness, and Light dwells with him.
Stavros wrote:Yea, it's kind of cruel, but I'd rather people be honest than try to lie. I won't accuse the thread starter of lying, I'm just suspicious.
Really, it isn't that cruel
I'm just trying to play nice b/c I respect the admin
You wanna see something
Not sure how it opens in other browsers, Just use the tree structure to the left and look for familiar names!! (In the 90's).
But seriously, I felt like something was "not quite right", too. But even then, I seriously doubt this person will even be able to do something with the links I sent, according to his self-proclaimed knowledge
Plz im not lying or trying to do something sneaky,i know the project is shitty but all i need(and the project report) needs is different scenarios of how to hack this network from the outside. the main goal is documentation so plz if anyone can help plz reply. Thank You
Orite, i'll help you start on the right path. First of all, are the computers connected through a wireless router? Or something else. Give a bit more information.
there r four computers, 1 windows 2000, 1 linux fedora, 1 linux fedora server and 1 windows 2000 server and they r connected to a switch/firewall. we r connected to the switch with an external IP. i started scanning the server with xscan and got some vulnerabilities, what next?i need scenarios, if this does not work what do i do. the next step in the project is to do an internal attack where we get an account on one of the stations on the network.
1. What are the vulnerabilities did you find?
Is the software patched?
What Ports are open, do you have to use HTTP commands on port 80 to install something, or is FTP up?
2. If you can get access to a machine, plant a RAT/trojan so you can get back in anytime and even operate as that machine. You'll be able to install a packetsniffer, keylogger, grab the SAM, and maybe a bomb to erase the machine if it is discovered. You can craft an email or active-script webpage to install it.
**good n00b tip, before you start a hack, you make sure you have all the tools you need, nothing like a big time waster than to have to search for a RAT or 'sploit site.
**The switch is also a target, plan two - stop the other groups from hacking.
Beware of the switch blocking ports, a switch can have very strict rules than a router might. You can block MAC, IP, and Ports with a filter. You may have to reassign the trojan port # as they are well known.
3. You have the problem of several groups trying to hack into the same network at the same time. This could make ports or hacks unavailable because someone is using it or screwed it up. Weird bugs or malfuked software pops up because someone else is trying to manipulate the server too.
Learn about the switch as well, and see if you can code it to block out the other groups ; ) If you take over a machine, maybe run a DoS attack from that 0wned server on the other groups to slow 'em down..
The only way you'll get this is by learning about what the network has, and your understanding of how the network works.
Goal: the end game is likely to install a RAT so you 0wnz the server.
Anything else is a waste of time.
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in Darkness, and Light dwells with him.
ok the external attack is done(badly), now we have to do the internal attack where we get an account on a windows station.Can we manipulate files, download anything...?what do you think i should do?thanks anyway man