Finding open port on target IP.

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Finding open port on target IP.

Post by EnvyHax »

Well, first post (besides intro thingey, but that doesn't really count, heh).

I would like to know how to can a target IP for an open port.


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Post by Necrix »

Port scanners take care of that...

I'd suggest downloading Superscan 3.0 or 4.0
I know 3.0 from experience, it lets you scan certain ports or all of them..certain IPs or IP ranges...Even resolves the IP and reveals teh host name(somtimes).
Here's a screenshot of 3.0..

There are other scanners such as nmap, angry IP scanner...and many others.
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Post by EnvyHax »

I'm downloading it right now.

Thanks for the information, I'll post more after I mess around with the program for awhile.

Wow, this program works wonders. Thanks for sharing.

Augh, another question from the newbie:

What does "wardriving" mean?

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Post by bad_brain »

Good tip, Necrix..... :wink:
Both Superscan progs are really nice (the best imo) for a quick scan, if you want to get deeper into scanning (and be able to scan through firewalls) nmap is the right program, but you need some knowledge of the TCP/IP-protocol to be able to use its full power...... :wink:

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Post by bad_brain »

Wardriving means to drive around with a laptop and scan for WLAN access points or peer-to-peer networks.... :wink:

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Post by EnvyHax »

Ok, thanks. I should try that sometime, heh.

Augh, another question, heh.

How would I be able to find the IP of a certain website?

I thought if I ping the site, it would give me the IP that pinged back. However, when I try to connect to the site using the IP that it gives me, I get a page saying that site doesn't exist.

I'm thinking that I'm getting the IP for their host, but I'm not quite sure, can someone clear this up for me?

Also, if I am indeed getting the IP for their host, then how would I obtain the IP for the website it self?

I see that this site has a lot of information in the form of files on it. Can someone point me to the right text file that teach the basics or networking information to give me a better handle on the entire besic idea of how hacking takes place.


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Post by bad_brain »

Well, " Teach yourself TCP/IP in 14 days" should be very helpful, the nmap documentation includes some nice information too...

And to get informations about a site like IP, running services, nameservers and more use the "domain dossier" on

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Post by EnvyHax »

Thanks, I'll have to check those out then.

If I have any more questions, I will ask them here, heh.

Well, here is my first question:

What exactly is nmap? heh

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Post by EnvyHax »

This is my thread. My original question was answered, so I decided to ask another on in the same thread instead of making a million new threads, since I'm kiinda new to this stuff.

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Post by bad_brain »

nmap is a command line port scanning program with really many features.
and because it´s command line (well, there is a GUI-version available but don´t use it, it´s really outdated) it needs some knowledge about the program, so you have to read the documentation (it´s a good one and you´ll learn something about TCP/IP too). the difference between nmap and most of the other port scanners is the fact that you can use different scanning techniques which can enable you to scan through firewalls and to even scan without beeing noticed. it takes a little to get into the program but it´s definitly worth the time... :wink:

Oh, and it would really be better to start new threads, simply because other users may be interested too in your questions and by changing the topic inside a thread it´s hard for them to find the information they´re looking for.
please consider that... :wink:

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Post by Khanvikt »

I like Blue's Port Scanner. It's quick and doesn't consume too many resources. Also, you might look into getting some penetration testing software. Most of it that i've used will portscan, identify missing service packs, and allow you to see what shares are open. Try Nessus or Languard.

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Post by bad_brain »

Right Khanvikt! Nessus is a real nice program, here´s the link:
LanGuard, well, imo it´s nice for a quick scan, but not very reliable and even unsecure, if an exploit for the program appears (happened often enough) it will take much longer until it is detected and fixed because it´s a commercial program. Nessus is open source and (exept for one windows version) free.
A real nice application for scans is Nikto imo, it´s a perl script, so you need to have perl installed. It scans for vulnerabilities and shows files/directories which can contain sensitive data or can be exploited in some way...the newest version is available in the networking stuff dl-section. It has many features, but manual is included... :wink:

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