Thinking about buying an NES.

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Thinking about buying an NES.

Post by Stavros »

Well, I'm getting kind of bored with the Xbox and I was playing Final Fantasy (the first one that came out on the NES) on my computer and I'm going to be getting money to spend (well, i've already got some from some realtives).

I used to have an NES, but it would take a month to go through all the boxes that we have in a big metal building. And I have a fear of spiders and no one's been in the storage part of the building for quite some time. Even if I find it I doubt it would work because of corrosion from the humidity. Quite frankly, I don't have the patience to search for it.

Luckily, there's a local game shop that sells several NES units (as well as Genesis, Dreamcast, Gameboy [black and green kind], Gameboy Color, ect). I know it'll cost about $40-50 US Dollars.

I guess my question would be, does anyone think that I would be wasting my money and the novelty would wear off too fast?

If I do decide to buy one, does anyone have a few games to recommend? I already have Final Fantasy, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Crystalis on mind.

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spider? Where?

Post by DNR »

being a tech-geek I do like toys myself, and the NES would be considered a toy. I guess if $50 is in your entertainment budget, go for it.
I get bored lots with toys too, even my wife, I brought her a nintendo cube, cuz she didn't like the xbox games. She played it three times, a year later we take it back for a gameboy..
I might suggest that money be spent on something that has intellectual flexibility - you won't get bored with it because it keeps you thinking. Some mobile/portable games I have seen - the screen is too small, the controls suck, and I am not one of those wandering in public head-down on a gameboy..The games might have less intelligence and be predictable, I am not a Mario fan..So, that means I'll get bored with it, why not play the games sitting on a lazyboy looking at a big screen TV, with viberating controllers. Get a laptop, you can play games, watch movies, rip music, and be online.

__off topic buzz__

I used to live in a warehouse myself, I could drive two vehicles in, I had a 9mm shooting range, 16 foot ceilings, and many spiders..

I actually shot a big one with a 9mm handgun (those crazy americans!) I woke up one night with something on my arm. Its a big spider because I can actually feel a weight as it scurried on my arm, tripping the arm hairs.. I slept with a 9mm glock back then, I first flipped the spider off my arm with my other hand, and stood straight up in bed and yelled "Mother fuxker!" I hit the ceiling fan remote to turn on a blast off triple 100watt bulbs. Because I was still sleepy, I have no idea how the 9mm pistol came from under my pillow to be in my hand.
The f-ing spider is huge, it is a big black dot on the white cement floor - I don't have my glasses on. I reach over and put on my glasses, Damn! it is a big black spider with a red dot on its back! I shudder and thought "Fuxk ya! I got ya" and one bullet chipped out a big hole and a splatter of spider guts....

Late night gunshots are not unusual around the warehouse..

Oh, the whole point of the warehouse story_
Use a spray can of Starting Fluid (ether) and a bic lighter. As you clear shit out, and they pop out, flame their asses like a n00b in a midnight chat..
For heavy concentration of pest, including rats, fill an Industrial type spray bottle with gasoline, and you have a heavy stream of gas, and a bic lighter.. it has to be an industrial grade spray bottle as it can handle petrol based products without eating up the rubber seals inside..
If thats not enough, you need a box of bullets and a 9mm, laser sights/flashlight combo if possible.

yea, this is assuming you live in a cement/metal building, and have a fire extiguisher handy too.


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Post by Stavros »

Actually, I have a gamers dream rig (as of last November), but I get aggrivated after a while (computer problems) and I don't really feel like playing Prince of Persia: Warrior Within or Halo 2 or haveing to wait on long ass load screens for Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

I want something cheesy (graphics wise) and has no loading screens. And haveing played FF for the NES, I've had a yearning for 8-bit games.

[Edit] The building is about 3/4 storage space and 1/4 living space, but when we had to clean out the house since Katrina (boy was that a pain in the ass) the living space part is chock full of furniture. That place has probably maybe 20 ft roof and 2 lofts.
Last edited by Stavros on 09 May 2006, 08:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by DNR »

get games like tetris, or arcade style games like Elevator Action, Pac man, alien invader. I do miss that Tank game I played on the 64 back in 1979..

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Post by Gogeta70 » ...
Gameboy Advance Roms

Offer emulators for several game consoles (and roms too). Save your money.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by Nerdz »

I have all snes roms... if you need any just ask
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Post by Xonet »

roms are ofcourse nice cuz their free but you gotta admit having a controller in your hands watching ur tv, friends next to you, thats gaming
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Post by LaBlueGirl »

Xonet wrote:roms are ofcourse nice cuz their free but you gotta admit having a controller in your hands watching ur tv, friends next to you, thats gaming
Yeh, but in the case of NES/SNES, be ready to blow in those f*cking cartridges LOL.
(ahh, youth!!)
I think it is a great idea, Stavros. Just don't get upset if you have game malfunctions like back in the day from those annoying cartridges :)
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Post by Stavros »

If and when I do get one I'll be buying a top-loading one so I don't have to mess with that stupid sensitivity bullshit.

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