hack my account....

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hack my account....

Post by swordf15h »

hi to all... am just new here... i love playing online games..i just want to know something, and share my problem, and hopefully gurus here will answer me as what i need to know... i played an online game (philippine online game)... i've been playing it for almost a year and a half until now it suddenly hack by someone... the hacker change my paasword and email. inshort, i can't log in anymore because of invalid username and password..Now, then i reported it to the customer support/helpdesk about my problem and they blocked my account bcoz of my request... but until now allmost a month i dd not recieve in info about my account. no sign, no, email, nothing at all... am kind of mad right now about thier customer service... and their website... one thing, i called them and follow up my account, and they ask me if what is my security question and answer?? what the hell! its almost a year and a half! how do i remember it?!! even before, when i logged in with my account, i don't see any info in myaccount section the security question... please explained to me how i got hack?... and the security question, why so important?? and why it isn't there in my "editaccount" section??? is there any way to know, or to sneak silently to their website and open my account just to know the security question... i am the real owner the account, if you want an additional info about my account of this game i can gave you... to prove am the real owner.. besides i reported it to the gamesite itself.. the only thing I hate is bcoz of thier slow response to cases submitted to them..!!! pm me for futher info.....
thanks and more power.....

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Post by LaBlueGirl »


Let's see what we can do here.

What is the name of the game?

I am assuming it is an MMORPG, no? If so, what browser/client do you use to play it?

How difficult was your password? I mean, was it something simple or complex?

Is it a pay-to-play game? If so, did you use a credit card, or what? If there is a paper or electronic trail that shows you yourself paid for it (or your mom, whatever) you can contact the gaming co., give them the info and prolly make a new account.

I am no guru ;) but we'll see what we can find out.

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Post by mystikblaze »

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Post by bad_brain »

I agree with mystikblaze, the problem is that many people are a little too comfy and chose passes which are easy to remember, but easy to remember means usually easy to crack too....
for a "normal" security level I use 10 digit passwords, for sensitive issues (almost all are sensitive to me) I use up to 40 digits (or as much as possible), all my passes are generated and use symbols like ^°/%$§~ too if possible. such a pass can be cracked too of course, but the bruteforce-lamer has to spend a little time then, little time means months or even years. :wink:

if it´s something like an online game you have to pay for and the support is reacting too slow or don´t help at all you should write an email where you give them an explicit date until you want the problem to be fixed (a week should be ok), let them know that you´ll take legal action if nothing happens.
don´t write this email in an offensive way, write it in an business-man way.
if you need help with setting up the email you would surely get some support here, but not with cracking an account.... :wink:

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Post by FrankB »

bad_brain wrote: don´t write this email in an offensive way, write it in an business-man way.
if you need help with setting up the email you would surely get some support here, but not with cracking an account.... :wink:
That's right. And i can recommend sword15h that directly writing a couple of well-composed emails directly to the technical contacts of their domain name registrants and a copy to the registrars will speed up the process too.
In most cases, it freaks people out.

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Re: hack my account....

Post by Lyecdevf »

swordf15h wrote: its almost a year and a half! how do i remember it?!! even before, when i logged in with my account, i don't see any info in myaccount section the security question
Your information is stored in a cookie. Every time you visit a website where you need to log in the cookie takes care of that.

You say that you got hacked. How do you know? If you for instance erased your cookie some how intentionally or unintentionally you would no longer be able to log in.

You say that you do not remember your security question. It does not take a lot to save the page were you are filling the forms to sign up. Just take those pages and put them safelly into a file where they will wate for you when every you may need them.

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don't be so quick..

Post by DNR »

#1. I agree, he might have cleaned up his computer of cookies and lost his login cookie, this usually stumps users - especially when they haven't logged in manually with the user/pwd for a long time.
2. I have forgotten complex passwords I installed the late night before, drunk. Polite, adult converstation via email worked for me. Provide as much account nfo as you can like last time you logged in, domain you use, how long you have been a user, and be very greatful for assistance, because they have 12,435 other n00bs like you 'demanding' their passwords..
Just don't be drunk when you call in.
3. this could be a hoax, the poster of this thread will supply the readers with a IP/account for the group to hack, hacker by proxy. It may not even be his account. So caution is advised.
(Sensei said: Do not get involved uninformed"

If you save your password/login list/account nfo on your hd, I hope you encrypt it in to a vault, but then you'd have to save that password somewhere huh :roll:

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Re: hack my account....

Post by ajunix »

Ehm? WTF?!?!?! Why would u like to hack, when u self has been hacked, and u can se how fucking lame it is? Isent it a quite 'newbed'?

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Re: don't be so quick..

Post by Necrix »

DNR wrote: 3. this could be a hoax, the poster of this thread will supply the readers with a IP/account for the group to hack, hacker by proxy. It may not even be his account. So caution is advised.
(Sensei said: Do not get involved uninformed"


Yes, we know that...which is exactly why everyone is offering alternatives to him, and trying to help without hacking.
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Post by Azeem »

o come on mate...
if they are reacting too slow...then call them up...and say what the hell is going on...ur the real owner
meet some responcible person of that firm/organisation or whatever
i hope it`ll be solved in no time....
if this would happen to me...then i would be reacting in the same way as you are..
but i know...you wont be able to know how you are gona hack your own account...
take care

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Post by Gogeta70 »

Azeem, please check the date of the last post in the thread before posting.
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