E-Crime, a case study

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E-Crime, a case study

Post by FrankB »


State of Oregon v. Randal Schwartz
Washington County Circuit Court C94-0322CR
Complaint brought by Mr. Schwartz's client, the Intel Corporation

"The purpose of this archive is to help prevent what happened to Randal Schwartz from happening to any other well-intentioned computing professional. That requires insight into this unforeseen application of a law that is intended to protect organizations against thieves, spies, and casual intruders to the enforcement of a corporation's internal rules of operation. The contents are contributed by members of the Friends of Randal Schwartz, a mailing list including computer security, law, and education professionals interested in exploring why and how that could happen."

Exploits : http://www.lightlink.com/spacenka/fors/ ... telrep.txt

NOTE: Randal L. Schwartz is the co-author of Learning Perl the Camelbook and apears to post regularily on
news://comp.lang.perl.modules .

Actually, i still re-read is book because it is awfully good and recently i got an answer from him on a post there lately :

The world is very small sometimes ... it makes me shiver.



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hacker obsession-compulsion

Post by DNR »

I have some college background and field work in security adminstration. I am pretty qualified to conduct security surveys and conduct security operations. On the other hand, I have a hacker personality that urges me to look for and even exploit weaknesses, where ever I find them, buildings, networks, or even people.

The story of Randal Schwartz is not the first, and won't be the last. I have experience on both sides of this story myself. I warn my peers to pay attention to the warning signs - warnings that your compulsive-obsessive behavior to hacking is out of control. Randal Schwartz was warned to stop, and he did not listen.

I was kicked out of college, without warning.
I had been a 3.7 gpa student, the college's campus police, the president even came to my wedding and mtn biked with me. One day I was called in to the office, in my uniform, to be told that IT department raised issues to the college legal department about my computer activies. I was to resign and drop out of college, people will be told "I resigned for reasons unknown". I was not told what specific computer-related activity was in question, I was not given a chance to explain anything to anyone that understood computers or IT. It could have been a incomplete uninstall of a keylogger I was checking out on a work/class break. It could have been me, bored, runing a vuln scan on a IP. It could have been the packetsniffer I was checking out, learning about tcp/ip from it. After all, I was a top computer science student. I didn't hide my activities because it was a computer lab after all. At a previous college, I was a crime lab assistant, and had full run of the lab and even parts of the campus. Trust was not an issue with me. I had keys to the secure laser lab and was free to come and go, any hour, any day. I built the computer crime lab, from scratch.
But, they got scared. A possible lawsuit, or a simple rule infraction of the college internet TOS. And I was done. The campus president was actually very sad to tell me I had to leave, his hands tied by authority above him.

I know that it was an obsession that got out of control, I knew the rules, I had the warning signs - I was getting lazy and cocky. Teachers had me demonstrate to classes packetsniffers picking up sensitive nfo, simple cracking and complex cracking of files, keyloggers, and then security applications to protect users. Later when the college installed security devices to prevent students from surfing to porn, or installing software.. I broke the rules. I felt I was above that, after all I was the campus cop, lol.
I found out that there is no trust, it is all CYA and by the book. I never stole a CC# or misused a login. I never DoS'ed anyone or cracked a website from the college. But yet, I am a threat.

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Post by Gogeta70 »

Daaamn dude... you sound like you've definitely got some skillz. It makes me glad you're here.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by n3rd »

speaking of laws, u should think different,

even though laws are there to prevent us from doing harm.

U should find out what laws are based on, u will see that this world is corrupt tothe bone.

most of the laws are adjusted to the bible.

and besides me there are alot of people who think like this.

why would rules written by something that has NO facts of existence, rule our daily lives?.

( dont get me wrong, I dont aprove of killing ) but the fact remains these laws are not based upon certain things.

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Post by LaBlueGirl »

n3rd wrote:why would rules written by something that has NO facts of existence, rule our daily lives?.
If it is as you say (Bible), then it stands to reason xianity has such a profound impact on modern culture most codes of behaviour and moral standards are derived from such.

The basic priniciple, of "Do unto others" holds true in most cases. Some of the standards in the Bible (while noteworthy) are a bit outdated (hence Catholics changing views to fit modern society).

I'll be blunt: I don't believe in the Bible. (not trying to be offensive, ok). But I do think it gives great lessons on moral attitudes, basic ethics and values (societal and familial).
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pssst your ignorance is showing..

Post by DNR »

The laws in united states did take guidelines from the bible. If you studied criminal justice, you would have known that. Before all the selfish liberals like yourself populated this country, God was written in many of the new government documents, like the Constitution. Great events in our time, great people in our time, they believed in religion. This country began in tough times, and grew in faith that this was God's Country. Some of these great people that did a service for this country, said they were motivated by God and the Good book. To say bad things about the bible, shows your lack of respect for those great people. You are living in the country they help build. I am sure there were a few atheist that did well for our country.

You talk that religious people are pushy, yet you liberal atheist can't stand seeing historical reference to "God" on public buildings. You shudder when you saw the ten commandments, on public property, it had to be removed. You have no rules, and you can't even live by your own "Live and let live" policy. The bible told me to be tolerant and love my fellow neighbor, so I don't talk down or insist on the removal of jewish, muslum, buddist, or other symbol. The bible preaches, understanding of those that are different. Who is the pushy one?

The world is not corrupt, but there are plenty of people like you that think that way. I get the picture that you'll be one of those that commit a crime because you think everyone else does it too. After all, the only rules you claim to follow are your own..

I believe in the bible, there are some facts to support its existance, including in the Koran and Jewish books. Human beings need rules and laws, they need instruction. The bible which has been passed around and supported for thousands of years seemed to serve our population well.
I resent those that claim to want freedom, want to take mine away. Before you make your own rules, what do you base it on? your teenage angst? Your adulthood insecurities? Or something that was honored for a couple thousand years?

If you don't like this country, LEAVE. Go find a better country.
On Memorial day, it is just plain wrong to dis the bible and this country. Your freedom was paid for in blood. God bless the faithful, and forgive those that do not understand yet.

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Post by sternbildchen »

Ui a religious diskusion. :?
I'll be blunt: I don't believe in the Bible. (not trying to be offensive, ok). But I do think it gives great lessons on moral attitudes, basic ethics and values (societal and familial).
Thats my oppinion too. I trust in God or something more powerfull then we are, but i dont think that the bible is a true "story".
Some of these great people that did a service for this country, said they were motivated by God and the Good book.
I think if they were anducated unter "no religion" or an other religion they would have also done gread things for ur country.
The bible told me to be tolerant and love my fellow neighbor
I'm sure the bible told u that. But I behave that way too, not bacause of the bible, i behave so beacuase i think its right.

Oh.. And i hope u dont think this is an offence against you. ^^ Sometimes when i talked with more religious people then me they feel atacked when people have a differnet oppinion.

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Re: pssst your ignorance is showing..

Post by LaBlueGirl »

Before I post what I was about to say, were you replying to me or the other dude, DNR.......
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Post by n3rd »

This country began in tough times, and grew in faith that this was God's Country.
well to be honoust, I dont want to be a big mofok, but 80% of the now inhabitant of US, have grandparents grand grand grandparents who where forced to believe in god, the next generation just believed in it because they werent allowed to believe in something else.

so how can we say its gods country?.
You have no rules, and you can't even live by your own "Live and let live" policy.// I get the picture that you'll be one of those that commit a crime because you think everyone else does it too. After all, the only rules you claim to follow are your own..
Not really, I live by rules, dont kill people dont steal from people.
If you don't like this country, LEAVE.
Well thang "god" I dont live in the US. see this is just the cause why people reject the bible.
God bless the faithful, and forgive those that do not understand yet.
see you state here, that you claim that people should need forgivness if they do not believe, and you also state that they will believe in the future.

then tell me this, why o why does religion fight the evolution theory, and claim the eart only exist for 2k years? while in the old testament the bible clearly states the world before Jezus was born, which means that the world is older then 2k years.

there are so many things that are incorrect in the bible so why should i believe in "him".

and ( not to be a racist ) but why doesnt the bible give ne record of african american people?.

well thats it for 2 day XD

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Post by Stavros »

I'm going to clear a couple misconceptions up.

1) Speaking as an ex-fundamentalist Christian, Fundamentalists preach that the earth is about 6000 years old (4000 before the birth of Christ).

2) The Bible doesn't have anything to say about Africa or "African Americans." Africa had no part in the Bible because the Bible focuses on Isreal, and the Near East region.

Will edit later. School.

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Post by n3rd »


red sea.

african american = black people ( i dont like to say that just to let u know )

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Post by LaBlueGirl »

n3rd wrote:Egypt.

red sea.

african american = black people ( i dont like to say that just to let u know )
Funny to say, but until I came to Belgium, I had no idea that certain'middle eastern' ppl are also called 'North Africans'....
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Post by Stavros »

Oddly enough, Egypt is considered part of the Near East. It is the only country touching the Middle East.

Off topic: From a legal standpoint (I believe) that one cannot be African and American. Even if this were possible the only people to actually be African-American would be the Africans that were put into slavery and taken to the Americas (namely North America). People can claim African American descent, but those born in America are American whether they like it or not.

Let my restate what I said:
It does not say anything about Africa as a continent. It does, however, talk about countries that make up the continent of Africa, chiefly Egypt.

Considering the off-topic-ness of this, shouldn't this be thread unto itself?

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opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and they stink

Post by DNR »

yea, this thread is totally messed up, :roll: we have gone from a thread about e-crime convictions on people that experiment with hacking, to personal opinions of religion.

Next time, lets try to stay on point or refer to another new thread..

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Post by sternbildchen »


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