State of Oregon v. Randal Schwartz
Washington County Circuit Court C94-0322CR
Complaint brought by Mr. Schwartz's client, the Intel Corporation
"The purpose of this archive is to help prevent what happened to Randal Schwartz from happening to any other well-intentioned computing professional. That requires insight into this unforeseen application of a law that is intended to protect organizations against thieves, spies, and casual intruders to the enforcement of a corporation's internal rules of operation. The contents are contributed by members of the Friends of Randal Schwartz, a mailing list including computer security, law, and education professionals interested in exploring why and how that could happen."
Exploits : ... telrep.txt
NOTE: Randal L. Schwartz is the co-author of Learning Perl the Camelbook and apears to post regularily on
news://comp.lang.perl.modules .
Actually, i still re-read is book because it is awfully good and recently i got an answer from him on a post there lately :
The world is very small sometimes ... it makes me shiver.
