Pocket Pc.

Phone stuff....
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Infinite Haze
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Pocket Pc.

Post by mystikblaze »

Well, I have bad news guys. My mothers purse has been stolen; including her Mobile Phone. I wanna know if it's possible to track the Pocket PC 6700Q that was taken? Therefore giving the thiefs position. Any tracking advice or comments are welcome...

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Post by Gogeta70 »

There was an article on the main page here that told about a program that tracked your phone for a pretty low price.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

The Hacker Wolf
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Post by Necrix »

Yeah, but with that..you had to have it already installed before it was stolen.

Srry, I don't know of any way to track it...
If it were a phone, you could call the phone company and ask them..
But I don't know about a Pocket PC
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phone crooks

Post by DNR »

leave the phone service on for a little while.

Either the phone is going to be reprogrammed and your existing phone service for it will be lost.
the phone is going to be passed around very much like a vehicle sold for crack - a crack rental. You can call the numbers that show on your bills and either harass them or talk them into giving up the phone. If it ends up in a pawn shop, they might test the phone to see if it works. when you call that number, hopefully the pawn shop owner will help you report the 'stolen phone' as he wants to be legit. If not, maybe he'll sell you the phone back at discount :roll:

Tracking software can be remotely installed to some phones, pc phone is not a common name like nextel, so I can't help ya. Even if the phone service was able to track the phone, I am not sure the police would act on it - considering the dollar value of the phone.

I like the Mossad option, some plastic explosive wedged into the phone. If you ever lose your phone or 'loan it' to a undesirable person, you can call the phone and enter a command to detonate. Ring, Ring, "Hello?" "Have a nice day asshole" BOOM!

Go buy your old lady another phone.
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Post by CommonStray »

alot of the time phone companies will issue you a new phone if your old one is lost or stolen for no extra cost

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