[Haskell] Caesar cipher cracker using frequency analysis

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[Haskell] Caesar cipher cracker using frequency analysis

Post by IceDane »

I just started learning haskell. This is probably the first real thing I've done. The comments should explain most of it.

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import Data.List
import Data.Char

-- Frequency table for the english language.
-- The first element is the the expected percentage of As used 
-- in an english text. The most common letter is e, at 12.7 percent.
table :: [Float]
table = [8.2, 1.5, 2.8, 4.3, 12.7, 2.2, 2.0, 6.1, 7.0, 0.2, 0.8, 4.0, 2.4,  6.7, 7.5, 2.0, 0.1, 6.0, 6.3, 9.1, 2.8, 1.0, 2.4, 0.2, 2.0, 0.1]

-- Shifts a character to the right if positive, left if negative. Wraps around.
shift :: Int -> Char -> Char -- Modulus handles the wraparound(shift 1 'z' = 'a')
shift n c | isUpper c = chr $ ord 'A' + ((ord c + n - ord 'A') `mod` 26)
          | isLower c = chr $ ord 'a' + ((ord c + n - ord 'a') `mod` 26)
          | otherwise = c        

-- Counts the number of times an element occurs in a list
count :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Int
count e []     = 0
count e (x:xs) | e == x = 1 + count e xs
               | otherwise = count e xs 

-- Creates a table of frequencies for every letter in a particular string
freqtable :: String -> [Float]
freqtable [] = []
freqtable l  = [(fromIntegral . count c $ map toLower l) / (fromIntegral . length . filter (not . isSpace) $ l) * 100 | c <- ['a' .. 'z']] 

-- Encodes the message, shifting it n to the right(or n to the left is n is negative)
encode :: Int -> String -> String
encode _  [] = []
encode n  xs = map (shift n) xs

{- Chi Squaring function - calculates the chi square on a list of floats
-- It is defined as the sum of the squared differences of two 'adjacent' elements
-- over the the second element. 
-- It is used to determine which distribution of characters is closest to the 
-- distribution in the table above.-} 
chisqr :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float
chisqr []     _      = 0
chisqr _      []     = 0
chisqr (o:os) (e:es) = ((o-e)^2)/e + chisqr os es

-- Rotates a list to the left by i places.
-- rotate 1 "123" becomes "231"
rotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a] 
rotate _ [] = []
rotate i xs = drop i xs ++ take i xs

-- Finds the first position of an element in a list.
position :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Int
position e (x:xs) | x == e = 0
        | otherwise = 1 + position e xs

{- Attempts to determine the shift factor used to encrypt
-- the text passed to it.
-- To do this, it first gets the character frequencies of the encrypted
-- text. It then gets the chi square value of it, and all subsequent rotations
-- from 0 - 25. The rotation that has the smallest chi square value is most 
-- likely to be the shift factor for the plaintext. 
-- The longer the plaintext, the smaller the minimum chi square value will be.
-- This als implies the opposite - the smaller the plaintext, the lower the chance
-- of being able to crack the ciphertext is.
crack [] = []
crack xs = encode (-minIndex) xs 
         where frequencies = freqtable xs 
               step a (b:bs)  = rotate a frequencies : b : bs
               step a []      = [rotate a frequencies]    
          chiVals        = map (\x -> chisqr x table) $ foldr step [] [0..25]
               minIndex       = position (minimum chiVals) $ chiVals

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Post by leetnigga »

Nice work there, IceDane.

There are a few things I would do differently.

I would write shift like this:

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-- Shifts a character to the right if positive, left if negative. Wraps around.
shift :: Int -> Char -> Char
shift n c = if isAlpha c then
                let a = if isLower c then 'a'
                        else 'A' in
                chr $ ord a + (ord c + n - ord a) `mod` 26 -- Modulus handles the wraparound (shift 1 'z' = 'a')
            else c
in order to avoid duplication, and to put your comment in the right place.

I would write count like this:

Code: Select all

-- Counts the number of times an element occurs in a list
count :: Char -> String -> Int
count c = length . filter (==c)
but I'm not sure which version would be more efficient.

I would write the frequency table generator function more like this:

Code: Select all

-- Creates a table of frequencies for every letter in a particular string
freqtable :: String -> [Float]
freqtable [] = []
freqtable l  = [(fromIntegral . count c $ alpha) / (fromIntegral numAlpha) * 100 | c <- ['a' .. 'z']]
               where alpha = map toLower . filter isAlpha $ l
                     numAlpha = length alpha
so that it's more obvious you're calculating the quotient of the current character count and the total character count. I replaced your (not.isspace) by isAlpha to count only alphabetic characters.

I would write encode like this:

Code: Select all

-- Encodes the message, shifting it n to the right(or n to the left is n is negative)
encode :: Int -> String -> String
encode n = map (shift n)
because map already takes care of empty lists, and this version is in a more point-free style.

I would write the Chi squaring function this way:

Code: Select all

{- Chi Squaring function - calculates the chi square on a list of floats
-- It is defined as the sum of the squared differences of two 'adjacent' elements
-- over the the second element.
-- It is used to determine which distribution of characters is closest to the
-- distribution in the table above.-}
chisqr :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float
chisqr xs ys = sum $ zipWith (\a b -> ((a-b)^2)/b) xs ys
to get more declarative code that is closer to the mathematical definition.


It's great to see some more Haskell on here.

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Post by IceDane »

leetnigga wrote:Nice work there, IceDane.

There are a few things I would do differently.

I would write shift like this:

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-- Shifts a character to the right if positive, left if negative. Wraps around.
shift :: Int -> Char -> Char
shift n c = if isAlpha c then
                let a = if isLower c then 'a'
                        else 'A' in
                chr $ ord a + (ord c + n - ord a) `mod` 26 -- Modulus handles the wraparound (shift 1 'z' = 'a')
            else c
in order to avoid duplication, and to put your comment in the right place.

I would write count like this:

Code: Select all

-- Counts the number of times an element occurs in a list
count :: Char -> String -> Int
count c = length . filter (==c)
but I'm not sure which version would be more efficient.

I would write the frequency table generator function more like this:

Code: Select all

-- Creates a table of frequencies for every letter in a particular string
freqtable :: String -> [Float]
freqtable [] = []
freqtable l  = [(fromIntegral . count c $ alpha) / (fromIntegral numAlpha) * 100 | c <- ['a' .. 'z']]
               where alpha = map toLower . filter isAlpha $ l
                     numAlpha = length alpha
so that it's more obvious you're calculating the quotient of the current character count and the total character count. I replaced your (not.isspace) by isAlpha to count only alphabetic characters.

I would write encode like this:

Code: Select all

-- Encodes the message, shifting it n to the right(or n to the left is n is negative)
encode :: Int -> String -> String
encode n = map (shift n)
because map already takes care of empty lists, and this version is in a more point-free style.

I would write the Chi squaring function this way:

Code: Select all

{- Chi Squaring function - calculates the chi square on a list of floats
-- It is defined as the sum of the squared differences of two 'adjacent' elements
-- over the the second element.
-- It is used to determine which distribution of characters is closest to the
-- distribution in the table above.-}
chisqr :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float
chisqr xs ys = sum $ zipWith (\a b -> ((a-b)^2)/b) xs ys
to get more declarative code that is closer to the mathematical definition.


It's great to see some more Haskell on here.
Thanks. As you can see, the language is still so new to me that I failed to notice those repeating patterns that many of the built-in functions take care of, like the filter for counting the the chars and such.

I guess it'll come with time. Thanks again.

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Post by leetnigga »

IceDane wrote:Thanks. As you can see, the language is still so new to me that I failed to notice those repeating patterns that many of the built-in functions take care of, like the filter for counting the the chars and such.

I guess it'll come with time. Thanks again.
You're welcome. Good luck with your Haskell.

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