My personal compilation of favourite and interesting sites!

Stuff that don´t fit in the other categories.
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Post by bad_brain »

hm, well, it's a sticky post, I think in such cases we can make an exception... :) :wink:

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Post by Gogeta70 »

I didn't notice it was a sticky XD

I suppose reviving dead stickies is ok, though i'd like to see useful information if such a topic is revived.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Re: My personal compilation of favourite and interesting sites!

Post by Lyecdevf »

How things have changed. I just browsed through the thread and I was like 8O. That was like way back when I collected websites and I posted it because that was like the only contribution that I could offer here. Now days I would write up a tutorial of some sort. Talking of which I have been thinking of making one in the short future.

Warez websites... :lol: I stoped using those like so long ago...Now I get all the stuff from p2p. No need for warez websites for me. So for instance if I was to update this thread for the second time i would replace all the warez websites with p2p websites.

Heck updating the links is going to be fun. Just give me a minute and I sure you are going to like it. :D
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Re: My personal compilation of favourite and interesting sites!

Post by dconex »

Thanks for the list, I know they are not all there but having some fun loking



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Re: My personal compilation of favourite and interesting sites!

Post by CedricEllis »

We visit and come across loads of websites each day. Some of them are informative and interesting whereas some become our favourite. Here is a list of my favourite and interesting sites.
YouTube: This is probably my favourite site to watch a quick video anywhere.
Netflix: Nighttime is incomplete with a movie or an episode from my favourite season.
ESPN Cricinfo: If you love cricket, just visit this site and thank me later.
Google: Whenever I need a quick answer, I have my best friend here.
Facebook: The ultimate place to connect with friends and have loads of entertainment
Fiverr: This is where I earn a few bucks, luckily


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