Spoof IP?

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Spoof IP?

Post by ayu »

I read earlier today that you should be able to spoof you ip to any ip.
as in if i have a "victim" i should be able to spoof my IP to the victims.

is this old and not doable anymore? or is it?

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cyber Idi Amin
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Post by Lyecdevf »

That is not true. You can not spoof any IP.

First of all 80% of all IP adresses are spoof prof. Meaning that if your victim is not among those 20% you wont have a chance.

Besides that if your victim has a firewall that is up to date it will be most likely imposible.

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IP Spoof test

Post by DNR »

Well, I would urge caution before we say anything is 'proof'. In the crime lab I learned bulletproof vest are only so bulletproof.. Lets pretend we are the mythbusters and find some text/tutorials to back up our words. I am old school, but hip to the new ways - session hijacking? Myth or Truth?

I'd do the work myself but I am at work now..

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Post by FrankB »

Lyecdevf wrote:That is not true. You can not spoof any IP.
I think we all need to agree on the spoofing definition here.
By IP-spoofing, sometimes it is said as "hiding your IP", "making your IP unretrieveable" or even "encrypting your IP" or all of these at once.

In fact it is possible :
- to encrypt an IP irreversably (hence it is not so useful)
- to spoof your IP when you think of it as making a remote machine handling a given IP address as if it was yours.
Mostly by using a proxy with firm policies.
- to masquerade your IP : running an algorythm through the blocks so as that the results looks either like a completely different IP, a TIMESTAMP number or an URL. (i posted that quite a few times now)

The combination of these practises is called 'spoofing' and it is possible, more and more even since people have now routers and DNS machines at home.

FrankB official Suck'Ologist.
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