ok, back to the question:
Can anyone help me hack password at http:/xx.xx.xx.xx/weblogin.jsp
This is not "P O R N O" site this is my services site.....
i have downloaded moorer software and also brutus force but not able to make the correct settings.......
plz...help me
Well brute forcing wordlist for user/pwd is one way. Tell us what you have done so far, you might need more wordlists , so use your search engine for 'wordlist' 'dictionary' or even create your own wordlist with free tools.
Since this 'was'your ISP account, you shoukld create a wordlist of passwords you have used before and variations of.
Since you had this ISP account on YOUR computer, you might search for the password on your computer?!
If the password is hidden in *** then you need a revealer, that was discussed in another forum..
Another way is to exploit the server OS and try to bypass login entirely.
Get a scanner to scan the ports on the IP you have, and find out what services are running and what versions, then search for exploits for those specific services/versions.
Keep in touch.