Graphix Showoff!!!
- knightm4r3
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my first sig...
well, this is the very first signature i made like 2 days ago...
tell me what you think about it, cuz i really want to get deeper into photoshop and id like to know the advice of more "advanced photoshopers"!

tell me what you think about it, cuz i really want to get deeper into photoshop and id like to know the advice of more "advanced photoshopers"!

Thank you, bad_brain and chaos. Also, my cousin's band website is
Anyway, ulysse that sig is pretty good. I can tell you need to work on making your text blend in better, and the background needs more... activity, but it's a very nice signature for a beginner. Keep up the good work!
Anyway, ulysse that sig is pretty good. I can tell you need to work on making your text blend in better, and the background needs more... activity, but it's a very nice signature for a beginner. Keep up the good work!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...
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Well Gogeta Your Cousin's Band Is Sweet Love The Song Broken!
Now I Want To See It Even More
! Do They Ever Go To NYC?

If Man Made It Man Can Crack Or Hack It & If You Want To Be A True Hacker You Need To Keep Your Mind Open And Always Be Willing To Learn
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^ yeah thankies
yes thats what i actually had in mind good job!
hmm and also when i started doing sigs ppl told me i was making them really big so i decided to try to make them shorter like 300 x 125 or bigger-ish than that but around there till 400 x 140 max its hard tho im used to making big ones but like find a size that you think fits you and fits all forums and use that size constantly you will get this gallery effect after a while
this is my newest one i made fast but it came out nice

i love doing signitures with girls in em
also have you ever used renders? (perfectly cut image ready for gfx usually .png)
um and brushes you gotta get some of those and
do you use Photoshop?
yes thats what i actually had in mind good job!
hmm and also when i started doing sigs ppl told me i was making them really big so i decided to try to make them shorter like 300 x 125 or bigger-ish than that but around there till 400 x 140 max its hard tho im used to making big ones but like find a size that you think fits you and fits all forums and use that size constantly you will get this gallery effect after a while
this is my newest one i made fast but it came out nice

i love doing signitures with girls in em
also have you ever used renders? (perfectly cut image ready for gfx usually .png)
um and brushes you gotta get some of those and
do you use Photoshop?
- cyber messiah
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- Fame ! Where are the chicks?!
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lol yes let me reassure you, i do use Photoshop CS2also have you ever used renders? (perfectly cut image ready for gfx usually .png)
um and brushes you gotta get some of those and
do you use Photoshop?
as for the rest, do you have a good reference for renders and brushes
Or will i have to google it?
That's probably all you'll ever need.
Keep up the good work.
That's probably all you'll ever need.
Keep up the good work.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...
- cyber messiah
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