Cisco router assistance

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Cisco router assistance

Post by 533k3r »

well hi yall n dont mind me bargin out on my first post but introductions arent really useful unless they help you in any sense and im thinking none of you are a wee bit interested in personal details so ill get on with it

im on a lan and my isp sux . i pay for connections of very high bandwidth and i get speeds comparable to dialup connections . yes i can switch to another isp but thats what ive been doin since a few months ..

well enough shit theres a cisco router on my lan protected by a firewall i kept scanning for one which isnt protected by firewall so that i can DOS it
but then again it didnt accept passwords that are very long in length and also didnt react to huge ping requests... and i had unprivileged access to a switch which has been traced and removed... i got a gateway directing to a 3 com switch which directs data to router.. so ... any suggestions.. :!: :arrow:

edit!: its my stupid isp and no im not asking you for instructions to hack it though i wouldnt see it as something wrong as they are robbing me in daylight of my money and i thought i need to do something in return and before i get people asking me to call them up and try to get it fair n square you should know that ive tried everything like that and im not learnin to do stuff just to hack my isp but im doing my engineering in computer sciences and ive been researching exploits and info recently so i decided to have a go at overriding my bandwidth limit assigned by my isp which is very low for what ive paid .. mcafee speedometer detects my LAN connection as DIALUP... so if you think you can help me reply or plain ignore this ... cya peeps

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Post by mystikblaze »

Last edited by mystikblaze on 21 Jun 2009, 08:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by 533k3r »

mystikblaze wrote:Well, my connection is 100mbps; on wireless it's 11mbps. Maybe, it's your router?

well then what to do bout it ?

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Post by bad_brain »

hm, hard to say, you have to find out what part of the network is slowing down the system, you said the connection is even in your LAN very slow, so it points to a hardware problem on your side, not on the ISP-side.
my sister had this problem too when she bought a new router, it was caused by the network cable which had a bad quality, it even took a minute to load the configuration i-face of the router..

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Post by 533k3r »

bad_brain wrote:hm, hard to say, you have to find out what part of the network is slowing down the system, you said the connection is even in your LAN very slow, so it points to a hardware problem on your side, not on the ISP-side.
my sister had this problem too when she bought a new router, it was caused by the network cable which had a bad quality, it even took a minute to load the configuration i-face of the router..
my network is completely configured by my isp all the hardware stuff too and theres one more thing .. i dont think its the hardware thats givin a problem coz theres a little glitch with this server.. its the software they gave me to access the internet... as i login i can access online resources and here comes the little bug... when i start a http download and then click logoff on the client i get huge speeds but thats only http requests and all ftp and other requests are denied as soon as i logoff and even the downloads that give high speeds are pre initiated http requests ie i start them and then click logoff and this works only during late nights .. so im considering if there is something that i can override maybe i will get the same speeds consistently and also the software makes a few modifications in my registry and i want to know what modifications it is performing so that i would know if i can tweak them

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