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Post by FrankB »

LaBlue and me go to a colloquium next friday about tis & techniques how to prevent the forensic investigation from breaking in too much in the privacy of the lambda citizen : cellphones, Internet, FAX, TELEX, ATM, machines, medical files, you name it.

The lector is a German expert, still anonymous, but a member from something called "Rote Hilfe" (Red Help), Bad_Brain, have you heard about that section in hour homeland ?

The full report of that lecture will be published on Suck-o in the Hacking &Wardriving section, on the Blogs and maybe downloadable in the download section.

Note : if you all want us to ask questions in your place : either PM FrankB or LaBlueGirl with your questions.

We will try to have everything answered.

PS: i *hope* it is not a trap ...from the police :-)))


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Post by bad_brain »

where does this post come from?
damn...sorry, I´havn´t seen it..... :oops:
how was the lecture? :)

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Post by FrankB »

...police blocked the event. Believe me or not but ALL traces : advertisements on the walls on the street disappeared the very next day. One could see they had been manually scraped off.

Or.. it was a sick joke

Or, delayed.

Go figure.. very strange but i think i might hear about the event at the FOSDEM colloquium that happens in Brussels, it is there where i met Richard Stallman and Fravia in 2001
(Stallman is there every year).

The home site of FOSDEM ( is down tooo !

What the f.... ???


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