Sorry been gone for so long

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Suckopithicus chickasaurus
Suckopithicus chickasaurus
Posts: 513
Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 17:00
Location: Brussel

Sorry been gone for so long

Post by LaBlueGirl »

So here's the deal:

Made a friend (online, of course).

Poor thing wants a site for her Google group.
She gets the "thing" up and running, and I check it out:

She tells me she is having "problems" with HTML <laughing now>
and I direct her to and offer my assistance if needed...

Poor thing didn't even know she could use notepad :lol:

So for the past days I have been re-writing her site, giving her backgrounds to choose from, tips on colors, etc etc.

In the course of this, I finally said f*ckit and decided to learn CSS/stylesheets tonight. No holds barred, cage match between me and this computer :)
(Really, it's not so bad, only took a few hours)

So that is my doctor's note, peepz.
Tomorrow, I write at least two pages, hopefully three if I can find the time.

Wish me luck...Oh, and I am not responsible for the content on the site, btw :lol:
"Hey, Crash!
Ever tried walking with no legs?

It's real slow!"
~Crunch, Crash Bandicoot TTR

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