wireless with knoppix

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wireless with knoppix

Post by isapiens »

Hey guys, i finally got linux, so now i am experimenting with it. i got knoppix live cd, linux looks so cool. stupid mac just copied everything from them i suppose.
Anyway, i connected it directly to the router with an ethernet cable and the internet worked. But the wirelss doesnt work. I was messing around trying to fix it, but i am a total noob and linux is not the simplest os ever (at least for me : ) I think i have intel Pro/Wireless 2200Gb Network Connection Is this compatible with linux?
basically i want to establish the internet connection so i can read the tutorials and stuff. otherwise its really annoying to read them while you are in windows and then booting linux to try them out.

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Post by bad_brain »

hm, I looked around a bit and it seems that you´re not the only one who has problems with this card type. Intel is not providing a native driver for Linux. I´ve read that some people updated to the newest firmware version and it worked afterwards, but well, I read as much people for which it still didn´t worked then... :?

what error messages do you got?
and what tutorials do you mean, what´s the link? I mean, it must be possible to download them (or even the whole site) so you can use them offline in Linux... :wink:

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Post by isapiens »

Hey, thanks b_brain. I certainly was not able to follow all the directions on how to build this driver right away, but i will get it eventually. Thanks for directing me in the right direction, at least now i know what i have to learn. For now, i will spend more time just getting used to linux and learning the basics. And the idea about saving web pages is simple but genius! :lol: should have thought of that.

Anyway, ill let u know if i ever succeed in this, pz.

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Post by bad_brain »

you can find Ht-Track in the downloads (simply use the search-form), you can download complete websites with it, I use it often to be able to use "online tutorials" locally... :wink:

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Post by egghead4life »

look up ipw2200 for intel bg

or else you can if you have windows ON AN NTFS partition (using XP) ndiswrapper.

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Post by isapiens »

ok serioulsy i failed to do this.... i think i will have to get a linux that is not a live cd. Otherwise i run into bunch of problems such as saving stuff and root access errors. linux is not self explanitory god damn it, thats why i like it :)

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Post by bad_brain »

yeah, live distros are nice for a first look, but I don´t think they´re good when you really want to get into Linux.
check here:
I really fell in love with Debian... :D

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