example of breaking the rules in the forum

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example of breaking the rules in the forum

Post by _Spoil3r_ »

my forum is url removed by mystikblaze register and enjoy learning! :)

if this post not allowed in the forum rules i am sorry! -can you say idiot?

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Re: www.spoil3r.com

Post by d10b »

_Spoil3r_ wrote:hello!
my forum is www.xxxxxx.com register and enjoy learning! :)

if this post not allowed in the forum rules i am sorry!
A terrible way to make an impression. *This* is your 1st post?
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Suck-o's Rules Please Read Carefuly!

Post by Chaos1986 »

Hey _Spoil3r_ Just As A Friend I Have A Little Information For You. First Off You Have Posted A Link To Your Site In The Wrong Area. The Proper Place To Post This Would,ve Been Promotion/Business. Also You Have Less Then 20 Posts. Please Read The Following.
bad_brain wrote:These are the Suck-o rules. Read them, and follow them. If you break these rules, there will be consequences.

1. There will be no harassment of any user on the suck-o forums. Such actions include the private messaging of insults, flaming, and degrading the user behind their back.

2. You will not supply, or ask for cracks, keygens, serials, or fully functioning programs (that should cost money) on these forums. Suck-o is not here to encourage the malicous and illegal activity of hacking, but to teach all sides of it, for the purpose of helping others.

3. No explicit questions, such as 'can someone hack www.somesite.com' or 'how do i hack www.blah.com', etc. We are not here to do work for you, but to help you on your way to learn how to do it yourself. Nor do we support the defacing, or hacking of websites.

4. You should not ask for any form of authority on the suck-o forums, or website. Contributing to the forums and its users will surely make you noticed by the staff members, and you will probably be offered a position, depending on the average content of your posts.

5. Do not advertise. Suck-o is not a link exchange, so don't post a topic just to get people to go to your website. If you want to advertise something, put it in your signature, or profile, that's what they're there for.

6. You are not to re-open any old topics to where it is clear that they aren't being discussed any further. Doing so is very annoying, and repeated occurrences will probably get you either suspended or banned. However, if you have more to contribute to the topic (make sure it's something helpful), then feel free to start a new topic about it.

besides the standard rules there are some extra rules for THIS board:

- users with less than 20 posts are not allowed to promote their sites here.
but please don´t try to be smart and submit 20 alibi-posts now..;)
exceptions are only possible when you have the explicit "ok" of a
staff member.

- no matter how much posts, sites with the following content will not be
promoted here:
* porn
* yahoo-related (booters, etc.)
* warez/crackz/serials

- every submission will be checked by the staff, sites which don´t fit into
the ethics which suck-o stand for will be deleted.

- suck-o is a non-commercial site, so we can not be held responsible
for any form of business which is done here.
Just For Your Info I'm Not Attacking You I'm Just A Friend Trying To Help You Stay Out Of Trouble. :wink: :twisted: :evil:
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Post by isapiens »

i say we should be less tolerable and flame all the newbs. i think people that can create a forum are well aware of general forum rules, god damn it. made me mad fool... i just had a bad day lol

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No more Mr.Niceguy

Post by DNR »

Actually even the admins/mods are to refrain from flaming, per the rules set by B_B. So even us elites must practise tolerance.

Think of this as a way to build your ethics. If you can temper yourself under fire here, then you will not be easily provoked in your non-internet life too.

Provoking someone to anger is an easy way to sabatoge that person. Don't let someone manipulate your emotions.

The problem will never go away, so we continue to work on the solutions - such as banning together as a forum, sharing the same ethics, setting down the rules to exist in our online community.

Spoil3r, you have another chance to make the right impression.

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Post by isapiens »

damn dnr, you are good lol. You are right, as usual : )

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Re: No more Mr.Niceguy

Post by Chaos1986 »

DNR wrote:Actually even the admins/mods are to refrain from flaming, per the rules set by B_B. So even us elites must practise tolerance.

Think of this as a way to build your ethics. If you can temper yourself under fire here, then you will not be easily provoked in your non-internet life too.

Provoking someone to anger is an easy way to sabatoge that person. Don't let someone manipulate your emotions.

The problem will never go away, so we continue to work on the solutions - such as banning together as a forum, sharing the same ethics, setting down the rules to exist in our online community. DNR
I Highly Agree With You Very Well Put DNR. If You Can't Put Up With Someone Oneline Why Would You Be Able To Put Up With Them Offline? :twisted: :evil:
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Re: No more Mr.Niceguy

Post by LaBlueGirl »

DNR wrote:.... So even us elites must practise tolerance.
Sorry, but I think that is funny :)
DNR wrote:Think of this as a way to build your ethics. If you can temper yourself under fire here, then you will not be easily provoked in your non-internet life too.
And this is true, but I feel it to be a lil different, I suppose.

From my personal experience, if you can take the Internet *less* seriously, esp when people are on your case all the time and STILL not get pissed, you would have a higher "lashing-out" level IRL.
Since I learned this, it takes a fuckuva lot to get me pissed IRL, and I seriously doubt nothing can get me angry on the 'net.
No joke.
DNR wrote:Provoking someone to anger is an easy way to sabatoge that person. Don't let someone manipulate your emotions.
If you do it out of humour, like pissing someone off just to laugh at them it is actually funny:)
Which is where trolling/flaming comes in.

On the other hand, if you are the trollee/flamee, you have to learn to laugh and be witty, regardless what comes your way.
DNR wrote:The problem will never go away, so we continue to work on the solutions - such as banning together as a forum, sharing the same ethics, setting down the rules to exist in our online community.
*This* problem will likely go away. Repeat performances, however, will not.

Working as a community is a great idea. First and foremost, we are here to learn and instruct.
Since b_b set it out in his rules flaming isn't allowed, I will gladly abide by it. (Ok, I'm only human, sometimes not so gladly).

Separating the honest n00bs from the frontin' assholes is a time-consuming job, which is another reason (I am assuming) it is good as general practice not to flame ppl who end up here.

Since this is a private forum, we all have to abide by the rules (even some of which I have been guilty of breaking).

Flaming/Trolling for pleasure is actually an enjoyed by many. (HAND!).
If you don't believe me, Google "Trolls and Schopenhauer", courtesy of Fravia.

An important part of it however, is to be able to "take" insults and move right along, more often than not incorporating them into your reply.
DNR wrote:Spoil3r, you have another chance to make the right impression.

About to get long here. This is copied and pasted from alt.magick. For those of you who know USENET, Google it. For those who don't, Go to Google's homepage, find the GROUP "alt.magick" and search within the group for "DCS".

"The original post:

From: Su - view profile
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2005 1:49 am
Email: "Su" <medusa...@yahoo.com.au>
Groups: alt.magick
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And you know what, LBG?

I might just equate to the tip of an iceberg, ya know.

C'mon you alt.magick lurkers ... let's put these old out-of-date egos
to rest. Pompous crap looked fine in the early 20th century but it
really does not cut the ice today.

As for my last post in response to "Su, can you Par A Digm?" ... let me
tell you hear and now, that it gives me no pleasure, or warmth in the
groin so to speak, to have to spell out my background. Let me explain
why ...

I will turn 53 in less than two weeks, so it seems obvious, to me
anyway, that a person of my age (with an almost lifelong commitment to
magic) will have covered a lot of ground. No big deal, she muses. It
worries/niggles the back of my mind that some folk will read my post as
some egotistical stance of "I know more than you do" kind of shyte ...
when nothing would seem further from the "truth".

I enjoy learning. I enjoy asking questions. One question just leads to
another, and that we all can share. Viva la adventure of life!

Su "

And my response:

"From: LaBlueGirl - view profile
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2005 2:08 am
Email: LaBlueGirl <Yeahyour...@com.com>
Groups: alt.magick
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Su wrote:
> To LBG:

> My " feeble attempt at a poem" represented a satirical play on an old old
> song from the
> 1930's. Since I badly re-wrote those lyrics, this effort has bored more
> people, in terms of the lack of responses, than you probably have had sex
> with a donkey.
> No worries, from here, if you missed the innuendos.

O, don't worry, none taken.

> You want me to start this ball rolling eh?

Yeah, you start the tarball.

> "Su, can you Par A Digm?" you ask.

> Oh yes. Please allow me to introduce myself ...

/settles in and waits for the fun to begin/

> Enter stage left - one small woman with very long hair

(and glasses), don't forget

> flecked with
> silver. She smiles and for one brief second you find yourself
> wondering how they make glasses that thick..

> Please allow me to introduce myself


> I'm a woman of wit and taste
> I've been around for a long, long year

It shows.

> Stole many a man's soul and faith ... *

and glasses.

> What would interest you?

Gee, let me think...

> We could start with woman, chaoist, muse, mad


> piper at the gates of hell perhaps ... inspired or deranged?

No arguments so far.

> Who really
> knows, she amuses.

> I have three passions in life viz. magic, donkeys and stars (from > NASA
> to stellar mythos). Four if I consider that I love to dance. I have
> even danced at a jazz club with a 4' monster of a puppet and
> you have
> never seen a dance floor fill up so quick with people who wanted > to
> dance with my partner!

You get a cookie for being RETARDED.

> I have studied magic for a very long time,

And some throw money in a hat for it.

> if you want to know (my how
> time flies when you have fun with donkeys, she muses). The
> books came as
> philosophy,
> literature, astronomy, cosmology, c/k/qabalah, metaphysics, mythology,
> ancient languages, erotica ... that kind of stuff. I followed the lead
> from my own questions, filled in my gap and kept right on going. > I
> specialise in ancient Egyptian metaphysics, mediaevul alchemy,

Any modern alchemy, except your posting style?

> Judaic and Surfing mysticism, ceremonial magic

O wait, you're still talking?

> ... right through to modern
> self-hypnosis and self-induction of labor, neural linguistic
> programming,
> E-Prime, (HTML? Java? Perl?) astral magic and beyond.

I've nearly mastered HTML, does that count?

> Eventually, in terms of magic, I got tired of playing the
> ceremonial ho
> and
> went looking for my peers. I came across the post-modern
> chaos
> meta tags and found myself/ves and my glasses right at home
> with the
> professional street walker's
> mind-set that has the sense of humour to go the distance.

I'll bet...

> Pleased to meet you
> Hope you guessed my name,

Su from Syndey, with a lame pic to boot.

> oh yeah
> But what's confusing you

Is your awful corruption of the Stones

> Is just the nature of my game
> Just as every cop is a criminal
> And all the sinners saints
> As heads is tails
> Just call me Medusa

B/c when anyone looks at you the rays from your specs cause them to go
(Sorry, but you left yourself open for that one)

> 'cause I'm in need of some restraint
> So if you meet me
> Have some courtesy

and advise you to get a f*cking newsreader or a quoting style...

> Have some sympathy, and some taste

I like chicken, how 'bout you?

> Use all your well-learned politesse
> Or I'll lay your soul to waste ... *

Now I'm scared.
Still here?

> * With apologies to "Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling
> Stones

Yeah, much apologies, really..

> I look forward to the magical discussions here

Keep on awaitin'... 'Cuz they sure ain't comin' this aways.

> Choyofaque!

> Su Leybourn (medusa161)

Ooooh, you posted your name.
Tsk Tsk.

LaBlueGirl aka Sunshine


using this as an example more than illustrates the trolling techniques employed.

Here, this is true (er) flaming:

(the orignal post)

"From: Su - view profile
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2005 2:46 am
Email: "Su" <medusa...@yahoo.com.au>
Groups: alt.magick
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LBG writes and I quote:
>"See all above.
>This is boring.
>Not kidding.
>Really not.
>Not even close to being interesting.
>O wait, you're still here?
>Still reading this far?
>What do you people do for fun in Australia?
>Not donkeys, I hope.
>Maybe, but I don't want to hear about it, thanks.
>Marsupial, much?
>Once you go marsupial, you never go back.
>So I've been told.
>Viva Adventure Girl!!!
>Mi quera speaking la lingua Spanish!!
>G'day, mate!
>Fosters, Austraylieeyan foh beeyah

"Boring" only happens to small minds utilising minimal neural relays,
actually ...

Now that I understand your predicament LBG, I will go easy on you (no



and my response:

"From: LaBlueGirl - view profile
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2005 3:26 am
Email: LaBlueGirl <Yeahyour...@com.com>
Groups: alt.magick
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Su wrote:
> When I wrote "I look forward to the magical discussions here", LBG
> relied with "Keep on awaitin'... 'Cuz they sure ain't comin' this
> aways'"

Yup. Wouldja like me to repeat myself?
Wouldja like me to repeat myself?
Wouldja like me to repeat myself?
Wouldja like me to repeat myself?

> What an effing shame when alt.magick could do so much better, > she
> muses.

Define "better".
And yes, it usually is more than this.
But when your kind comes here and foams at the mouth, this is what ya get.
Think, chaotes, think!
It can't be that hard!!!
(Ok, so maybe it is...)

> C'mon lurkers ...

Again( wouldja like me to repeat myself,
Wouldja like me to repeat myself?
Wouldja like me to repeat myself?
Wouldja like me to repeat myself?)

Ya'll are the lurkers
HOW many freakin' times do I haf to tellya???
Jeez, it is a pre-req to have a thick head, too?

> let's give these few paranoid folk with loud mouths
> spouting nothing,

# include <htstudio.h>;
class SU_it(ARGS*){
Define Let's.
Define give.
Define these.
Define paranoid.
Define folk.
Define with.
Define loud.
Define mouths.
Define spouting.
Define nothing.


I'm waiting.

> a run for their (imagined) understandings of magic!

> Sushi

Pickled ginger?
Calee-for-ni-aye rolls?




"Hey, Crash!
Ever tried walking with no legs?

It's real slow!"
~Crunch, Crash Bandicoot TTR

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