I do baby-sitting for his daughter. We were sending emails back and forth today, and on his reply to my last one, I noticed his "security" deal, eSafe, recognized and removed "unsafe" HTML.
In his sigfile is an imagemap for clicking on the diff languages to view his site.
On the side of it are the reg blue links.
Here's the message:
******************* IMPORTANT ! *******************************
The content of this email was found to
contain potentially hostile or malicious content.
For your protection, eSafe’s Content Security Server has
modified this email and removed the dangerous content.
\HTML Active Content: Found Spoofed Phishing URL, Found mapped IMG links, Object Removed: 1 'map' Overall Attributes Removed - 2: 'href'
I sent a laughing reply back to him, figuring the only thing I can think of is gmail possibly attaching some kind of tags to his links/images.
Didn't happen when he sent the email, only when I replied to it.
I *really* want to beat this guy down with some comp knowledge.
He tried making fun of me and Frank for wanting to be/being programmers/low-level.
He is a eurocrat, and I only sit b/c I like his kid and he pays WELL

Prelim searching doesn't bring back much.
I know what "tagging" is, as far as the 'net goes, but what are some other useful keywords and where can I start looking?
Basically, I want to point out how retarded he is for having something like eSafe and give valid reasons why:)
Thanks in advance