whel i say very whell, but first get a bloody LAN with 2 computers.
Then open shares and disable the firewall so you can start easy.
Then read some tuts (Hackers Black book for example)
Ask your questions here but as the rules sayn no 'how do i get acess to www.xxxxxx.xxx help me cuz im stuck' use your LAN
after reading some tuts you should be able to gain acess using major shares flaws, then disable shres and run the Firewall and test your skillz
This is just some 'speaking my mind' stuff so now heres the deal
If you wanna learn how to hack do like i did
So on July 6, 2006 i borrowed my fathers laptop he asked 'what for?' i answered 'checking major security flaws' he said 'ok just dont fuck that laptop or ill fuck your box'
so happy as i was i turned on both computers, disconected mine from the INTERnet and connected the LAN - so noone could interfeer or gain acess to both computers - next i enable both firewals and disable shares from both machines.
Next i used the IP scanner to find the IP (i first checked the ip on the laptop - or du u think i would stay all day waiting to search all the way from to ?)
then i used NBTSTAT -A to find if there where shares.
you already know the rest, i tried ever thing to gain acess (and i did get read, write, delete, copy,download, upload, etc.. - so basically i did everything i can with that pc

so in the end i found that that computer was SO vulnerable it had major share flaws ( i even managed to get acess to the windows folder and run the cmd.exe and upload some (fake) trojans)
also it had a flaw on port 80 due to apache server being outdated.
so what did i earn after 6 hours of hacking legaly?
- Whell i told my dad the flaws and he gave me a better net connection

- I earned LOTS of experience
- I earned lots of knowledge in 'what not to do'
So conclusion?
i hope you enjoy this
oh and visit http://hdatabase.tk and trie and find an easter egg somewhere on the source for even more knowlegde!
Good luck m8s
EDIT: I did not use NBTSTAT -A nor -a i used megaping to check for shares THEN i acessed the in cmd to test my skillz also i did this because nbtstat couldnt read the shares cuz my father has the shares hidden from un open eyes (he has a intranet at his network with a proxy, and lots of computer so its got to be whel protected or this laptop would just be a backdoor to the intire network.